
Crosslinker (BIO-LINK)


Dostupné na objednávku

Programovatelné crosslinkery s vlnovou délkou 254, 312 a 365 nm


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Od: 35 300 
(bez DPH)

Kat. číslo Vlnová délka CenaMnožství
BLX-254 254 nm 36 500 
(bez DPH)
BLX-312 312 nm 38 000 
(bez DPH)
BLX-365 365 nm 35 300 
(bez DPH)

Crosslinker (BIO-LINK). Programovatelný crosslinker, 3 různé vlnové délky (254, 312 nebo 365 nm), 8W zářivky.

The emission of the UV light is constantly monitored by a UV sensor which is controlled by a microprocessor. The irradiation stops automatically when the energy received matches the energy programmed. The irradiation cycler are perfectly reproducible and are independent from intensity fluctuations of the UV source. Just programme the energy and Bio-Link delivers it! Bio-Link combines the latest technology with a very high quality of the components. UV exposure chamber in stainless steel, protective quartz disk on the UV sensor cell, highly resistant tactile membrane keypad. The readout display and the large number of presets, either in energy unit (Joules/cm²) or in time unit (seconds), makes the Bio-Link a very simple instrument to use while very powerful. The UV light intensity is captured in a well of light above the irradiation chamber, so that the UV cell measure is collected from all the UV tubes and not just one. This also protect the UV cell from any dirt which can enter the chamber.

Technický popis přístroje crosslinker (BIO-LINK):

  • Compact and powerful, ideal for a broad range of applications
  • Precise measurement and control technology, non-ageing UV sensors
  • Choice for irradiation parameter energy or time
  • Easy operation: Programme memory, storage of the last parameters, programme resumes after opening of the door, auto-restart after power failure
  • Secure and stable construction, very easy to use
  • Easy exchange of the UV tubes for wavelength change


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